7 Tips for Better Leadership

Being A good example is ever the roll of the gentleman. 

A gentleman isn’t expected to look good and do nothing. As a gentleman is well read, looks out for others, and the like. It is very common for a gentleman to take on the role of leadership. Here are six tips for leadership best practices every gentleman should know and follow.

1. A good leader knows when to follow

A true leader is not afraid to admit they do not know everything. Allowing others to take the lead is not a sign of weakness, but rather one of confidence and strength. A leader that knows how and when to follow will gather respect from those they lead.

2. A good leader trains those under them to replace them

There is no room for advancement for those that are irreplaceable. Training those under them to take over one’s role as leader allows for growth for everyone. There is much to learn from others as they learn from us. And, if one really wants to understand something, they teach it.

3. A good leader isn’t above the team, they are in the trenches with the team

Bosses sit in the back and crack the whip, leaders stand in front giving others something to follow. Everyone wants a job filled with worthwhile work worth doing. Seeing the leader working with them leads to comradery and respect that cannot be gained standing above others.

4. A good leader knows it is okay to fail

Anyone that doesn’t make mistakes isn’t really doing anything. Mistakes are how we learn. We are all only human and making mistakes helps keep the gentleman from arrogance. There is nothing to fear from making mistakes, provided we learn from them.

5. A good leader never sacrifices a short term gain for a long term loss

Kicking the can down the road seems wise, until the day of reckoning comes – and it always does. Failure now to gain success later is always braver and better than success now that will lead to failure later.

6. A good leader takes blame and gives credit

When we lead, it is our blame when things go wrong. There is no class in pointing fingers. However, when things go right, a true gentleman always gives the credit to the team. It is humble, more honest, and shows not only one’s skills and a man and gentlemen, but true leadership. If one were to give blame for failure, he clearly cannot lead and if he takes all the credit, then he has no need for a team and is clearly no leader.

7. A good leader inspires others to do more by their example

Leadership – true leadership – is about who we are as much as what we do. These should enlighten those that follow us, make them want to be better people and harder workers.

Final thoughts

Don’t be afraid to show infinitive. A gentleman puts his best foot forward, takes the risk, and isn’t afraid to fail.

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