7 Style Tips for Everyday

Once one knows the “hard rules” of dressing as a gentleman, it is time to learn to break those rules; or at least bend the on occasions. The following are seven tips one may apply to any rule of fashion to dress better, feel better, and have a look all of one’s own. 

1. Remember history – it repeats itself

In the 80’s I was told bell bottoms and other 70’s fashions were forever dead. A few years later, in the 90’s I saw those same people in bell bottoms, of another name. This is true of just about every fashion. Therefore, one may remember history and create their own look by blending old and new. However, don’t forget the past – why did it fall out of fashion? Normally, its because the item was ugly, over used, or taken to an extreme. Use caution with any item of clothing not to fall into these traps.

2. Know why it is what it is

If something is or was in fashion, understand what it is about that thing that makes it popular. If may be comfort, style, time of the year, etc. I like to use the trench coat as the example of this because it is timeless and will never go away, yet is abused by many men. A trench coat can be the perfect jacket, in the right environment and situation. If one is wearing a trench coat in the middle of summer, this is simply fashion and will make one appear as a wannabe detective, not as a gentleman. However, to wear one to keep one’s suit dry or to keep warm can make a man very dapper. Likewise, a black trench coat may be fine with a dark suit, but a charcoal, grey, or tan coal will go better with more outfits and not make one appear as if they just walked off the set of the Matrix.

3. It must fit

I cannot say enough about this. I’ve seen attire that should look amazing make a man appear as if he slept in his clothing due to poor fit. I have also seen attire that shouldn’t have looked good on anyone look amazing just because of proper fit. If it doesn’t fit, do not wear it. The buck, as they say, must stop there.

4. Make sure it is timeless and can accessorize

Men do not require closets full of clothing. If we keep colors simple, we can pair things that may not normally go together. Jeans can go with about anything. If one of your suits is a blazer, vest, and pants they can be mixed and matched with other vests, jackets and pants. Wear a suit with a sweater rather than a dress shirt and vest to dress it down while stile looking good. If what you buy is timeless, it will last, and if one can accessorize, it will go further.

5. Wear a tie more often

I hate ties. I mean, I really hate ties. But, as a man, I have to wear them. This is why I know so many knots. Trying a new knot out forces me to wear a tie. This keeps me in practice for when I have to sport a tie. The right tie can make a pair of jeans look professional. The right tie can tell people at a social gathering more about your personality. Don’t be afraid of the tie – master it, bend it to your will.

6. Don’t be afraid of your clothing

If you like what you are wearing, own it. Be confident. Confidence create fads. Confidence if forward thinking. Will you always be correct in your fashion choices? No. Be being afraid to try means one can never be right either. Think outside the box. Make it work for you.

7. Care

I saved the best for last. One must care enough about one’s self to look good. A gentleman doesn’t dress his best to impress others or to show his wealth or for any other reason but this: to be his best. Care about yourself, put your best foot forward. Dress it up, and be a better man.

Final thought:

At the end of the day, it is who you are that matters, not what you wear. Be your best self and show the world that you are a gentleman in though and deed. Respect others, respect yourself.

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