Being a Better Man

A gentleman should always seek to better himself – his knowledge, his temperament, his skills, his life and the lives of those around him.

A gentleman should reflect often, learn his weaknesses and master them. He should look to those around him as a reflection of himself – one is the company they keep. Every week, a man should strive to be better. To do better. To see the world as a better place. And, to make that world a better place.

There are selfish reasons for doing these things. One that betters their surroundings has more opportunities. Yet, seeing others grow and watching things improve through hard work and effort are far more rewarding than simply leaving where one is for greener pastures.

For one, a man earns nothing he does not work for. For another, greater skills are gained through accomplishments than things taken or given. This is why the gentleman should give freely, and accept graciously. He does nothing for monetary gain, but for personal gain. Yet as we better ourselves, our stations naturally improve.

The fine line, or “catch” if you will, is that when we better our station through hard work expecting nothing, one may enjoy any modest gains. However, if one works for reward, it is harder to ever gain what one feels they are owed. We are owed nothing, and the gentleman understands this. Yet he shill works hard to make the world a better place for others more than for himself. It is this sacrifice that puts the “gentle” in gentleman and the reason the gentleman stands out from the crowd.

Final thoughts

The gentleman is never the wolf, nor is he the sheep. A true gentleman strives to be a shepherd.

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