Formal and Semi-formal Attire

What does the term “Black Tie Event” or “White Tie Event” mean, and how to dress for it?

“Black tie” is any event after 6pm set to simi-formal dress. It is less formal than white tie, yet more formal than business or professional dress. A man should not wear a long neck tie – even if it is black, here a bow tie is the standard.

Outside a wedding (and even then, rarely these days) white tie events are not too common. These are the actual formal events with suit tales and top hats. These are held after 6pm, or after dark – so only earlier than this if the sun sets before 6pm.

For a white tie event, one would wear a starched wing collared shirt, white waste coat, white bow tie, and a tail coat. On hisĀ feet, a man should wear black silk socks, black court pumps with black silk bows or Oxfords. His trousers’ fabric needs to match the jacket. The trousers must have two narrow strips of braid down the side seams, and should be uncuffed. This is the very formal dress one saves a special occasion..

A gentleman does not wear this attire for any occasion other than a white tie event, or he would be overdressed in an unflattering way.

A few quick rules for dressing formal or semi-formal:

  1. Do not wear a dinner or morning jacket, and if you must rent, make sure it fits you impeccably
  2. Do not wear a wing tip shirt to semi formal, don’t wear anything but a wing tip shirt to a formal gathering; same but opposite with the the cummerbund – yes for semi, no for formal
  3. Do not wear a neck tie to either – black bow tie for semi-formal, white for formal
  4. Do not wear any tie that is not black or white, save your other bow ties for less formal occasions
  5. Do not wear a suit – wear a tux, and wear the right one: tails are for formal gatherings
  6. Black shoes only, please
  7. Do not wear a wrist watch, now is the time for your pocket watch

Here is a quick visual that should help give one an idea of what to wear for a black tie event:


Image: Black Tie Optional, Pinterest
Final thought:

White jackets are not formal or even semi-formal. Avoid them. They are for the daytime, summer only. Remember, at a truly formal or semi-formal event, one should remember that this is not high school, and the event isn’t prom.

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