Find Your Style

Being a gentleman doesn’t mean suit and tie, it means being your own man and being the best man you can be.

A man dresses differently based on what he is doing. This isn’t as much a “gentleman” thing as just getting a good mind set for what one is doing. One would not wear the same attire for work as for the gym. Do not wear the same clothing to special occasions as to work. Dressing the part will help the gentleman mentally step into that role. Not as an actor would, but as the best man he can be for what he is doing.

When picking an outfit, keep it simple. A gentleman is sure his attire doesn’t draw eyes away from his lady, as a gentleman always puts his lady first. Even when dressing flashy, one should try to limit one’s attire to three colors and avoiding too much of anything. This will keep thing simple enough that one may stay dapper without going overboard.

Always be sure clothing fits you correctly. This cannot be stated enough. It should be almost hugging one’s body without being tight. Baggy or too-tight “skinny” clothing may go in and out of style but proper fit is always in.

Trends and brand names do not have to be avoided, nor should they be blindly followed. As the saying goes, “a fool and his money soon part.” A gentleman strives to match style and his pocket book. Paying more for something that will last is a far cry from paying more to stay with the latest trend that will fade, or buying a low quality item for its brand name.

At the same time, don’t be tempted by deals, sales, or bottom prices. Those that buy cheap, buy twice. Go for quality, one gets what one pays for.

Final thoughts:

It is better to be a little over dressed than under dressed for any occasion. That said, don’t take it too far. If the dress is relaxed simi-formal then a tux isn’t needed, a nice 3 piece dress suit and tie would be fine. The gentleman is still fine to wear a tux – but don’t dress white tie. The same goes for dress down events. One may take it up a notch wearing a tie to the family barbecue, but don’t show up in a three piece suit.

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