A Gentleman Knows how to Treat a Lady

Don’t pretend to be the man she wants. Be the man you are, just be sure the man you are is a gentleman.

Every woman wants a man that will treat her like a lady. This is a man’s duty as a gentleman. This is always how a man acts, no matter what his relationship to the woman. A gentleman puts his lady first, of course, but does not neglect good manners. A man should always be a gentleman, no matter who or whom he is with, as a true lady also sees the needs of others and wishes them good will.

The rules of being a gentleman seems simple;

  • be on time – never make a lady wait
  • open doors for others
  • listen
  • pay attention
  • keep her secrets
  • help her to her seat, her door, the car, etc…
  • be the one that pays
  • remember your manners

This list could go on. A gentleman never stops growing, never stops learning, never stops finding new ways to fall in love with his lady, and never stops finding ways for her to fall in love with him. Thus the list of ways to be a gentleman may be never ending.

But these rules must be followed more by the “spirit” than the “law.” For example; if it is cold, a gentleman does not let a lady ask him for is jacket, he offers it – that is the rule. But the spirit of that rule is so much more. A true gentleman is observant and will see the lady is cold and so he should remove his coat to offer it to her. Leaving the jacket on is a sign that he is cold too and does not really want to give her the jacket.

If she declines, it may be because she doesn’t want the man to be cold. Thus, a gentleman carries the jacket for a bit so she sees he do not need it. If this does not entice her to put it on, he waits for a convenient moment to offer a second time before replace it. If she does take the jacket, a gentleman does not show signs of being cold, as this will make the lady feel uncomfortable.

If a woman already has a jacket and removes her coat to give to a child, or someone else in the group, the gentleman has failed. Be sure to pay attention to all of the people in your group and look out for their needs. This is just an example of following the spirit of being a gentleman and not just the “rule” of offering a jacket.

The rules of being a gentleman should never slip once he has won his lady. Regardless of how long a gentleman has been in a relationship, small tokens, like writing a love letter or sending flowers to his lady shows her true dedication and will remind her of why he is the (gentle)man she is with.

A lady should never be given the opportunity to wonder why she is with her man. Even after marriage, the courting never stops for the true gentleman.

Final thoughts:

Every gentleman should take time to enjoy the simple things in a manner that shares the wonder that he sees with someone he cares for.

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