Grooming: Hygiene

Hygiene is more than a gentleman’s grooming, it is his health and caring for it makes him more pleasant to be around.

While it is true that hygiene makes us look good, that’s not solely what it is about. It is about being healthy. When one is healthy, one feels better, thinks clearer, and looks their best. A gentleman should have good hygiene not simply for looks, but for better living.

Hygiene includes things like bathing, timing nails and body hair, keeping the mouth clean, and being presentable at all times.


What does a gentleman do to avoid bad breath? Clearly, brushing teeth and using mouthwash is a good start. Chewing gum while alone is fine, but gum can be distracting in a conversation, unless offered to the group first. Mints seem to work best, I have found. Still, a gentleman is sure to offer some to the group before discretely popping mints into his mouth.

Also, avoid bad habits that cause bad breath, such as heavy drinking, smoking (tobacco in general), and coffee. These preemptive strikes will help ensure better hygiene over all.


A gentleman does not wait for his toe nails to put holes in his socks to trim them. Nor does he let his fingernails grow to inappropriate lengths. A few tips on nail trimming:

  1. This may seem obvious, but Don’t rip or tare your nails, clip them
  2. Get a good pair of clippers that will not rust, the cost may be high but they will last longer and be healthier for you
  3. Use different clippers for hands and feet to stop the spread of germs and bacteria
  4. Don’t just use clippers, there are other tools to keep your nails healthy and looking good, learn more about them and how to use them
  5. Filing your nails is not just for women, learn how to do it to keep your nails healthy
  6. Get a routine together when it comes to caring for your nails, don’t wait until your hands look unsightly or your toe nails are cutting into your socks
  7. If you have issues with your nails; fungus, ingrown nails, etc see a doctor – stay healthy!

Body odor

A gentleman does his best to keep his odor as far from foul as possible. This starts with proper bathing. A gentleman should bath after strenuous exercise. If he is not as active as other men, he should still bath or shower a few times a week.

To keep himself smelling acceptable, a gentleman uses deodorant daily and cologne when needed. This doesn’t just mean applying deodorant and cologne, it also means finding  the right ones and using them in the right amounts. Experiment with soaps, deodorants and colognes to find the right blend to complement your sent, rather than just mask it.

Final thought:

Cleanliness is a sign of a gentleman, this much is true. However, the cleanliness must come from the inside and flow out, as a mans body and clothing may become soiled. Thus his soul must remain clean through continued washing to shine through any dirt the world throws at him.

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