
When Media Is Wrong

Imagine this…

The people consuming media in this country are enamored with what is popular in their circles and what is sensational. Because of this, it is far more profitable for CNN, Fox, MSNBC and other media organizations to overreact immediately than it is to actually assess the story and get it right. Because even if you get it wrong, who cares? Tribalism in America means your base will stand by what you said anyway, so there’s no need for an apology or retraction.

Modern Americans love the idea of anything sensational. It’s probably why we love the idea of capitalism. We idolize and praise rich people and condemn poor people. The reality is that the “American dream” is statistically inaccurate. People born into money tend to stay rich. People born without financial support tend to stay poor. Now before you accuse me of some Marxist felatio, let me explain, because I do support pure capitalism at its core. If it has a core.

Yes, this oligarchian trend is capable of being upended, but it’s unlikely. Therefore, we probably have more shitty people with no work ethic living rich off their family’s money than we do unlikely success stories rising from the depths to become great. I.e. “the bootstraps.” I’m not sure there are statistics to combat this. Is it possible? Yes, it’s absolutely happened. But is it likely? Hell no.

If you were born in a small town to lower middle class parents working to pay bills, you’re pretty likely to be doing the exact same thing. If you were born to a $350 thousand a year plastic surgeon mother, you’re probably comfortably advancing in life with some help. And if you were born in family like the Kardashians? Stop it. Do you have any idea what Kylie Jenner would be like if her name was Kylie Kowalowski from Pipestone, Minnesota?

There is a probability that anyone can overcome their circumstances and succeed. I’ve seen it. But it’s pretty unlikely in many sects of this society. What media are we consuming that supports those we love? How realistic are we being about our conditions in life? Capitalism is flawed just as much as socialism. We just haven’t been willing to accept that yet. And we won’t until we are willing to consume more honest media.

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