
How Bad is Biden vs Trump?

Congratulations! We’ve successfully done it. We’ve allowed a divided nation to literally love and hate opposing sides that basically embrace the exact same systems. Successes and failures seem to be mirror images between the Dems and Repubs, but devotion and bias has us rooting for and against politicians who lead in the same exact ways. Go team!

But of course, this will initially be a piece about how inept the previous administration was. Oh, the current one is flawed for sure. But turning a blind eye to the drawbacks of your favorite NFL football team is folly, and we all know this. So grab your armchairs, or whatever seat you’re in. Because I’m going to rail against the shortcomings of the precious messiah beloved by the alt-right.

So before I talk about how alike the left and the right are, let’s talk about our current climate.

To all of the hardline conservatives who keep asking if we miss Trump: No, we do not. Not even a smidge. In case you have a goldfish memory, 2020 was one of the worst years of our lives, and Trump completely fumbled virtually everything (and even eventually got that scary vaccine so many righties are afraid of). But people need to recognize: among the many reasons he was disliked, “mean tweets” were not prominent. His Tweets weren’t really “mean” — they were just the incoherent ramblings of a hormonal adolescent. They were embarrassing.

The US was being globally mocked then, far more than now, and feel free to ask anyone overseas. Most of them literally could not believe we elected what they perceived as a complete joke as our President. A born millionaire who failed at damn near anything he tried. I’m sure every fiscally-responsible right-winger loved watching the debt and deficit skyrocket. And I’m sure they wanted us to waste money on another 20 years in Afghanistan for a pointless war — but even Trump openly stated that he wanted get out of there, too. He and Obama were both too trepidatious (cowardly?) to pull that trigger I guess.

Donald was in fact pretty clueless about foreign policy. I challenge anyone to name a legacy he left in that department — terrorist factions in the middle east still exist, and our overseas trade market has run into several problems. The only strong relationships he had were with leaders like Kim Jong-un and Putin. Yeah, those are the countries we want to align with, right? As with most presidents, the bulk of his campaign promises were not kept. So please stop acting like he was kicking ass and taking names. He was not.

So. All of that said, please don’t think this is a glowing endorsement for Biden. The Afghanistan exit was eventually necessary, but it was executed ungracefully — he stuck to Trump’s timeline, fine, but he could have tweaked the agenda. That war and occupation simply had to end, though, and we all knew it. We were wasting lives and resources while accomplishing nothing there.

But the economy is strong and the the deficit is dropping after 4 years of Trump — he was blowing it with the deficit. That’s the most important aspect of a country’s thriving economy. I’m not saying Trump was the worst president ever (that battle is probably between Andrew Johnson and Herbert Hoover). I’m saying he was unremarkable and unqualified. And he was awful in his final year when turmoil arose.

Old man Biden isn’t remarkable at all either, but he’s also not the inept fool that the right wants to paint him as. The post-pandemic climate means all prices raise, so stop complaining about gas prices when they were even higher at the end of the W Bush administration. That’s simply not a control switch he possesses after 8 months.

The bottom line is both of these men are too old and too establishment to ever bring about real change. But everyone is interested in conspiracies and rooting for the “home team” now. We need to eliminate this virus, focus on rebuilding infrastructure, and keep boosting the economy currently.

And that’s exactly what Joe is doing. Do I truly like the guy? No. Do I think he’s the best man for the job? No. Did I vote for him? Yes. Because I already saw how Trump was mishandling things like this. Things are better now. And the post-pandemic means several things:

-Demand is rising, because people are starved to get back out there.
-Prices are higher for exactly this reason, along with the fact that many businesses need the boost.
-The economy is going to continue to thrive for a few years. 2024 is a new era, so change can be made then, if necessary.

We need to stop rooting against people and politicians. Simply because you have subscribed to one side of the aisle doesn’t mean everyone on the other side is a villain. We need to be rooting for the country to succeed and regain worldwide respect for our leaders.

That was not happening under Trump. Period. No matter what you read or how you feel. World leaders did not respect the man, and it’s so evident from how they treated him and what they said when he wasn’t around. Is Biden respected? Probably, no, not much more at all, either.

So maybe this is the time when we need to break the system, step out of the 2-party stronghold, and find a leader who can unite us and escape the division that is crippling us with poor leaders.

A Trump vs Biden election in 2024 is not going to fix anything we’re upset about:  healthcare, homeland security, balance of wealth, etc. These are two senile men who really don’t represent how we think as a nation. Let’s find people who can win over both sides by actually uniting America and representing our fellow people. That’s what we are sorely missing, and arguing with each other is just exacerbating the problem. Lets work together to make a change.

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